Instructions for Editing Screenshots PSD
Author: Mohammad Jeprie
These instructions are for the 3D Screenshots Display PSD.
Changing Web Page Content
1. Each picture has 5 web pages. Each web page is placed inside layer web-1, web-2, web-3, web-4, and web-5. To change its content, double click the layer. In this tutorial, we are using web-portfolio-3D-7.psd. Let’s change iconfever to behance. Double click layer web-1.
2. You may find this warning. If you do, just click OK.
3. Paste the webpage onto the new file. The size has to be not less than 1349 x 1836 px. Here, I’m using screenshot of Behance.
4. Save file (Ctrl + S) and close (Ctrl + W). Now, we have Behance in the portfolio. The reflections will also changed.
Change Background Color
1. You can change floor color in web-portfolio-3D-4.psd and web-portfolio-3D-6.psd easily.
2. Activate Background Color layer.
3. Open Adjustments panel, Window > Adjustments. Change its setting.
4. The floor color is changing.
If you still have any questions, feel free to ask by email to